BA: Patient Compliance in Home Health

Case #1: Mr. Johnson – It doesn’t get any better in the compliance department in home health than this. This is the ideal patient. Motivated, progressing and compliant with recommendations and the PT plan of care.

Case #2: Mrs. Williams – If a patient’s awareness and judgement is abnormal due to illness and/or injury, you have to be very careful about labeling your patient non-compliant. She is motivated, has made and is making gains and it is normal to need rest breaks. This patient is compliant.

Case #3: Mrs. Jones – This is not a compliance issue. This is a medical management issue. This patient needs his pain managed better. In this scenario, you must care coordinate with the RN and referring physician to manage the pain exacerbation. This patient is compliant.

Case #4: Mr. Frohardt – This is a non-compliance scenario. His lack motivation, do not try and verbalizes that he “doesn’t even want care”. Document this and plan for DC after communication with referring physician and your clinical manager.

Please take all reasonable steps to resolve noncompliance issues prior to taking steps to discharge a patient.
