This is a mega deal! The largest so far in 2017. Will it be good for both business and consumers? Let’s here what both CEOs have to say about it.
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- CVS Health is buying Aetna (with shareholder and regulatory approval)
- $69 Billion purchase price by CVA health for Aetna
- CVS Health is the 2nd largest Pharmacy in the US
- CVS Health has 9,700 retail locations/pharmacies
- CVS Health has 1,100 walk-in, Minute Clinics
- CVS Health’s Revenue: 60% Pharmacy and 40% Retail
- Health care costs are one of the highest line-item for individuals and/or families
- Aetna serves over 45 Million people/members (medical, dental, and pharmacy)
- The total US Healthcare cost in 2016 was $3.3 Trillion dollars.
My Take
- Insurance industry companies like Aetna and UnitedHealth Group benefit from keeping people healthy by working to prevent and/or correct their member’s disease(s).
- Increased usage of the CVS walk-in clinics instead of expensive settings like the Emergency Room. This will reduce costs.
- Easy access to local, quality care providers at lower prices for the members.
- CVS health is feeing Increased competition from UnitedHealth, Walgreens, and They are making a move to defend and grow their equity value and market share.
- Integrate retail pharmacy with healthcare services. An integrated, one-stop, care delivery model.
What Do You Think About This Deal?
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